Digital Asset Usage Agreement (Limited to Use Within Second Life)

The copyright of the digital assets sold at our store “SnowPastel” belongs to SnowPastel or the respective copyright holders. Purchasers are granted the right to use these assets for personal or commercial projects within Second Life.

  • Purchasers may use the assets for personal or commercial projects within Second Life only.
  • Reselling the assets in their original form or distributing them as other digital assets is prohibited.
  • Modification of the assets is allowed, but reselling or distributing the modified assets is only permitted within Second Life.
  • Reselling full-permission assets as full-permission items is strictly prohibited.
  • Purchasers are not allowed to distribute the assets for free.
  • If reselling modified assets, they must be sold for a minimum price of 200L$ or more.

The digital assets provided by our store are available for use under a full-permission license, including commercial use within Second Life. However, reselling the assets in their original form is prohibited.

Purchasers are required to appropriately credit the original copyright holders when using modified assets.

  • The use of the assets on other digital platforms, or the sale/distribution outside of Second Life, is not permitted.
  • Reselling full-permission assets as full-permission items is strictly prohibited.
  • Redistribution of the assets to third parties is also prohibited.

SnowPastel is not responsible for any issues or damages that arise from the use of these digital assets.