



  • コミュニティのルール違反が原因でアクセスが制限された場合、こちらのフォームから申請してください。ご自身の状況を詳しくお聞かせいただき、問題の解決に向けてご協力をお願いします。ルール違反BAN解除申請フォームへ


If you find your access to the community has been restricted, we offer two forms for you to choose from, depending on your situation. Please select the appropriate form and submit your request.

1. Avatar Auto-Detection Ban Appeal Request

2. Rule Violation Ban Appeal Request

  • If your access has been restricted due to a violation of community rules, please apply through this form. We ask you to share details about your situation, so we can work together towards a resolution. To the Rule Violation Ban Appeal Form

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the community management team. We are here to support you in rejoining the community.